If you would prefer SECULAR resources and help please go to that section.
Having the guidance of a higher power is an important part of many people’s lives. This is often missing in addiction treatment, when people may be needing a reconnection to their spirituality.
These pages will include exercises, encouragement, quotes, videos, music and links to helpful freebies to assist you on your journey. It’s about improving your everyday and long term attitudes, habits and future. Remember these pages are all about LIVING A BETTER LIFE with God at the helm to lead you to the new and amazing destiny he has always planned for you. He longs for you to live your life to its full potential and will show you how if you are willing.
Every individual has different preferences in music and songs. Here’s a variety of YouTube videos to encourage you. I hope you find some that you like.
Here are some short videos from people who have found the answer to their problems.
Alice Cooper: A Testimony of Finding Purpose Through God’s Grace
From ice addiction to FREEDOM – Esther’s #HopeStory
From porn addiction to FREEDOM – Josiah’s #HopeStory
From sex industry worker, addicted and suicidal to HOPE – Hailey’s #HopeStory
From anorexia and anger to HOPE – Linda’s #HopeStory
From PTSD to PEACE – Isaac’s #HopeStory
From anxiety and depression to PEACE & JOY – James’ #HopeStory
If you wish to watch more there are many inspiring videos on the Discover Hope website. They can be found under The Good News introductory video on the main page of the website. A big thanks to YFC and to those who told their stories of hope and recovery.
‘Together’ King & Country, with Australian brothers Joel and Luke Smallbone.
‘Not even now’ Alisa Turner
‘My Prayer for You’ Alisa Turner
‘Shoulders’ King & Country
‘Overcomer’ by Mandisa.
Kari Jobe – The Garden (Acoustic)
‘My Prayer for You’ by Alisa Turner.
‘Way Maker’ sung by Leeland.
The Blessing Australia
Mercy me – Hold Fast – Recovery video
‘Eyes on the Prize’ Sara Groves and Steve Mason
17 Is anyone crying for help? God is listening,
ready to rescue you.
18 If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Psalm 34:6, 17, 18 (The Message)
Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries.
Anxiety and Fear Meditation | Scripture Reading with Music
‘Let go and trust God Meditation.’ Beatrix von Watzdorf
‘Healing Meditation.’ Beatrix von Watzdorf
“Addiction Recovery” Motivational Video